A delicate white rose illuminated against a black background in a dramatic monochromatic composition.
A delicate silver plant stem with oval leaves stands in contrast against a stark black background.

Some very exciting news today - Unsplash is now accepting illustrations to the open library!

Regular platform users will have noticed that illustrations rolled out the premium Unsplash+ service a while ago and it feels really good to now accept them to the open library.

I'll now be curating the new open library illustrations into the Unsplash Illustrations feed so be sure to check in daily to see what's new 🫶🏻

A lone white horse stands on a hillside against a misty sky in a moody, atmospheric landscape.
Delicate yellow cherry blossom branches bloom against a soft pale blue sky in springtime.
Minimalist illustration of a dark teal fish design with three gold dots on a cream-colored background.
Abstract geometric design with a large white star shape against a dark teal background.