Link to the collection if images available for free download on Unsplash can be found at the bottom of this post.
We don't get a hard frost very often so I leapt at the chance to get out with my camera early one morning before the children returned to school after the Christmas break, and before I returned to school-run-mum duty.
The sun hadn't quite come up, the scene was frozen. Beginning a dusky pale blue, then soft pink hues joined as the sun started began to rise, ending in a warm glow as the sunlight hit the ice, everything sparkling and glistening.
I took way too many photos, nearly 500 in all, later to be culled down a bit but I couldn't help myself - I was hooked.

A handful of hardy dog walkers appeared and moved on, sharing a knowing smile that we were up and out early enough to witness what was going to be the most beautiful morning of January.

I've too many favourites to share!